Community Grants

Supporting Our Community

The Graph AdvocatesDAO oversees Community Grants and RFPs focused on "community-building" efforts in The Graph ecosystem. Community building means increasing the community's awareness, engagement, understanding, or participation in The Graph or web3 ecosystem.
Grants are distributed in GRT and are intended for grantees to use in the network, such as being Indexers, Delegators, Curators, Subgraph Developers or subgraph users (like dApps and data dashboards). The DAO sets a guideline of approving Community Grants. The GRT conversion rate will be set with a 30-day TWAP (time weighted average price). All Community Grants above that proposed amount will be deferred to The Graph Council and The Graph Foundation's existing grant application process.

Community grants

  • Podcasts & Multimedia (eg. GRTiQ Podcast)
  • Hackathons and Blockchain Event Sponsorship (eg. ETHDenver, Graph Events)
  • Guides, Tutorials & Educational Content (eg. The Graph Academy, docs)
  • Graph Communities (eg. Graphtronauts, Curation Station, Regional Communities)
  • Educational Programs (eg. Rabbithole, FreeCodeCamp)
  • Community Tooling (eg. delegator tools, notification bots)
  • Marketing & Branding (eg. swag, marketing materials)

Not Community grants

  • Subgraph development, Protocol & subgraph tooling (Matchstick, GraphGen, POIFIER)
  • Protocol support or upgrades
  • DeFi applications (SimpleFi, liquid delegations, Tenderize, GRT integrations/white listing)
  • dApp/product integration

Examples of Past Completed Grants